None of the people I know had imaginairy friends when they were kids, but I do know many who have one now they’re older.
These imaginairy friends seem to emerge in the night scenes especially. Bars and clubs are the places for them to pop up. Mainly women seem to have them. When hunted down by an eager man, suddenly the imaginairy friend comes to life.
I must admit even I, despite being totally for talk about existing people and honesty, have made use of an imaginairy friends on some rare occasions where I ran into a guy that just would not take no for an answer. Ofcourse telling the truth can be a bit crude at times. Nobody likes to get a rejection or wants to hear, you’re not someones type. Some even go into a denial followed by an immediate attack: “It cannot be possible you don’t like me!? You don’t even know me!”
Good point, yet I believe there is a thing called intution, which tells you subconsciencely whether someone is worth looking into to. And yes, looks or as I prefer to say physical attraction also counts. It definitely isn’t the most important thing in a relationship, but it has to be there.
When you are approached by someone you don’t find physically attracted at all, while he or she makes clear they want more from you than just a fun talk, what do you do?
Tell them how you really feel or make up the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend that can only exist within your imagination?
None of the people I know had imaginairy friends when they were kids, but I do know many who have one now they’re older.
These imaginairy friends seem to emerge in the night scenes especially. Bars and clubs are the places for them to pop up. Mainly women seem to have them. When hunted down by an eager man, suddenly the imaginairy friend comes to life.
I must admit even I, despite being totally for talk about existing people and honesty, have made use of an imaginairy friends on some rare occasions where I ran into a guy that just would not take no for an answer. Ofcourse ttelling he truth can be a bit crude at times. Nobody likes to get a rejection or wants to hear, you’re not someones type. Some even go into a denial followed by an immediate attack: “It cannot be possible you don’t like me!? You don’t even know me!”
Good point, yet I believe there is a thing called intution, which tells you subconsciencely whether someone is worth looking into to. And yes, looks or as I prefer to say physical attraction also counts. It definitely isn’t the most important thing in a relationship, but it has to be there.
When you are approached by someone you don’t find physically attracted at all, while he or she makes clear they want more from you than just a fun talk, what do you do?
Tell them how you really feel or make up the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend that can only exist within your imagination?